Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Massachusetts Port Authority (Record Group TC6)


The Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) is the state agency responsible for operation and maintenance of commercial aviation, maritime, and certain bridge facilities in and around the Port of Boston. Public hearings are held as informal meetings with communities impacted or expected to be by Massport facilities, projects, and activities as a way to receive input from the citizens within those communities on matters related to the facilities, changes that have been proposed, and functions of Massport holdings. Public hearings are also used to record the proposals and decisions of Massport. Massport may initiate or participate in any hearings or investigations concerning the Port of Boston including Logan International Airport. Series consists of public hearing records concerning Logan International Airport and L.G. Hanscom Field. In two subseries: Subseries (1) Administrative public hearing files, 1970-1986: Files contain official hearing notices, testimonies, correspondence to municipal officials and newspapers, publishing notices, departmental memorandums, minutes of hearings, correspondence from citizens and business firms, maps and figures of proposed expansion plans, and newspaper clippings. Series is divided into public hearing volumes and client's papers volumes and arranged by subject. Topics include noise abatement, airport rules and regulations, impact on surrounding communities, and aircraft fees and daily minimum use charges. Subseries (2) Public hearing audio files, 1973: Files include reel-to-reel audiotapes of public hearings concerning the Master Plan for Logan International Airport. The recorded public hearings were held in Winthrop, East Boston, Revere, Chelsea, and South Boston. Hearings were held to discuss the preliminary master plan, the master plan draft for subcommittee, and the final plan before its presentation to the Massport Board of Directors. The majority of hearings were attended and led by Edward J. King, executive director, Thomas Callaghan, director of community relations and assistant executive director, and Richard Mooney, aviation director. Topics include noise curfew and abatement, runway expansions, aircraft regulations, and impacts, potential and predicted, on the affected communities.


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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth

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