Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Stories: 3B Street: St. Paul To be used for: Boarding House Class: Dormitory Owner: American Woolen Company Architect name: P. F. Gilbiel Architect address: Inspector: Ball


Stories: 2B Street: St. Paul To be used for: Recreation Hall Class: Spec Hall Owner: American Woolen Company Architect name: Perley F. Gilbert Architect address: Inspector: Adams


Stories: 2B Street: Main To be used for: Public School Class: School Owner: Town of Blackstone Architect name: Walter F. Fontaine Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: Street: Butler To be used for: Alterations Class: Owner: Architect name: Architect address: Inspector: W. DeFlavio


Stories: Street: Lincoln To be used for: classrooms, etc. Class: Owner: School District Architect name: Donald J. Prout Architect address: 150 Carolina Avenue Prov. R.I. Inspector: Wm. DeFlavio - Worcester


Stories: Street: To be used for: Utility Class: Owner: AT&T Architect name: Alfred Easton Poor Architect address: Inspector:


Stories: Street: To be used for: Utility Class: Owner: AT&T Architect name: Alfred Easton Poor Architect address: Inspector:


Stories: 1b Street: Rathbun To be used for: Church Class: Temp Owner: Roman Catholic Bishop of Springfield Architect name: D. R. Baribault Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: 2B Street: To be used for: Public School Class: Brick School Owner: Town of Blackstone Architect name: Walter F. Fontaine Architect address: Inspector:

Stories: Street: Austin To be used for: Housing for the Elderly Class: Owner: Town of Blackstone, Town Hall Architect name: Phillips & Noonan Assoc Architect address: 57 Prospect St., Milford, Massachusetts Inspector: W. V. DeFlavio


Stories: Street: To be used for: Class: Owner: A-Loquerre Architect name: R-Bousquette Architect address: Inspector: R. McCarthy


Stories: Street: Medon Street To be used for: Class: Owner: Architect name: A. C. Poor, H. C. Collins Architect address: 277 Park Avenue, New York, 10017 Inspector: James E. Barry


Stories: 2B Street: Millville Central To be used for: School Purposes Class: School Owner: Town of Blackstone Architect name: John Kenney Architect address: Inspector: Moore


Stories: 1B Street: Main Street To be used for: Gymnasium and Chapel Class: 2nd Owner: First Parish Church Architect name: E. F. Morrissey, Jr., Engr. Eastern Construction Company Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: 3B Street: Millville To be used for: Stores, hall Class: Miscellaneous Hall Owner: Architect name: L S. Aldrich Architect address: Inspector: Adams


Stories: Street: Gaskill To be used for: Hall Class: Frame Owner: Rumanian Associates Hall Architect name: Edward D. Harrington Architect address: Inspector: J. F. Casey


Stories: 1B Street: Millville To be used for: Religious Purposes Class: Church Owner: Scandinavian Church Society Architect name: Gould, Angel, & Smith Architect address: Inspector: Moore


Stories: 1 Street: To be used for: Church Class: Owner: Roman Catholic Bishop of Springfield Architect name: Walsh Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: Street: St. Paul To be used for: Class: Owner: Architect name: W.T.Phillips Associates Architect address: 57 Prospect St., Milford, Massachusetts Inspector: Royal J. McCarthy


Stories: Street: To be used for: Class: Owner: Architect name: Jno. Wm. Donohue Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: 2B Street: St. Paul To be used for: offices, hall Class: Owner: Town of Blackstone Architect name: W F Fontaine & Sons Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: 2 and B Street: Main To be used for: School Class: Mill Owner: Town of Blackstone Architect name: Architect address: Inspector: Casey


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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth

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