Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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COVID-19 Response Collection

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On March 10, 2020, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker declared a state of emergency to support the Commonwealth's response to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19. On March 14, the Baker-Polito administration announced the creation of a COVID-19 Response Command Center, a collaboration of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and the Dept. of Public Health, led by Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders. The Command Center was to be the Commonwealth's single point of strategic making and coordination for the administration's COVID-19 response. The Response Command Center situation report (or situation update) contains public health-related information on state-related actions and on state regulations and other guidance for the public in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. There are statistics on new cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and medical testing, including digital links as of April 21 to a statewide daily pandemic statistical summary known as the COVID-19 dashboard. Frequency varies: Beginning March 17, 2020, reports published on a Monday-Sunday schedule. Beginning May 8, 2020, reports published on a Monday-Friday schedule. Beginning June 15, 2020, reports published on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule. No report published on July 3, 2020, due to the July 4 holiday. Beginning July 21, 2020, reports published on a Tuesday, Thursday schedule. Beginning July 30, 2020, reports published on Thursdays only--excepting report for Nov. 26, 2020, published Wednesday, Nov. 25; Dec. 24, 2020, published Wednesday, Dec. 23; and Dec. 31, 2020, published Wednesday, Dec. 30. Final report published June 17, 2021. Arranged chronologically.


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