Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (Record Group EN)
Massachusetts St 1914, c 720 established the State Forest Commission (1914-1919) consisting of three commissioners, one of whom was the State Forester. Earlier, St 1904, c 409 established the Office of State Forester within the State Board of Agriculture to: promote the perpetuation, extension, and proper management of the forest lands of the Commonwealth, both public and private. St 1919, c 350, ss 39-44 established the Dept. of Conservation (1919-1953), and merged into one agency the Office of the State Forester (1904-1919), the State Forest Commission (1914-1919), the Commission on Fisheries and Game (1902-1919), and the Dept. of Animal Industry (1912-1919). The Dept. of Conservation was organized into three divisions: Forestry, Fisheries and Game, and Animal Industry.
Massachusetts Archives
220 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125