William Francis Galvin
Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Index of Massachusetts Casualties in World War II (Record Group PS1 / Series 447X)
Killed in action in France. Release of Aug. 1, 1944. Hometown listed as Jamaica Plain, MA.
Killed in action in the European area. Release of Feb. 4, 1945. Hometown listed as Haydenville, MA.
Died in service in the Western European area. Release of Mar. 2, 1944. Formerly missing in action. Signal Corps.
Died from injuries recieved in an accident at Ft. Meade, Md. Dec. 6, 1944. Infantry. Ft. George B. Meade, Md.
Died suddenly at US. Marine Hosp. at Cleveland, Ohio. Aug. 2, 1943. Began active duty Mar. 1943. Born in Charlestown, MA.
Killed in action in France. Release of Sept. 28, 1944. Hometown listed as Jamaica Plain, MA.
Died in service in the European area. Release of April 2, 1945. Hometown listed as Brighton, MA.
Killed in action in Holland. Release of Nov. 17, 1944. Hometown listed as Brighton, MA.
Died when the St. Augustine was sunk. January 8, 1944. USS St. Augustine. DOB 1918.
Died while a prisoner of war of the Japanese. Release of Nov. 17, 1943. Began active duty 1917. Posthumous promotion to Captain. Hometown listed as Jamaica Plain, MA. Born in Gloucester, MA. DOB Apr. 30, 1891.
Died in service in the European area. Release of April 4, 1945. Hometown listed as Dorchester, MA.
Died in service-- Release of April 11, 1945. Hometown listed as No. Dighton, MA.
"Is presumed dead." According to official notification to his parents. Release of July 10, 1943. DOB 1917.
Killed in action in Germany. Release of Jan. 29, 1945. Hometown listed as Roxbury, MA.
Killed in action in France. Release of Aug. 8, 1944. Hometown listed as Dorchester, MA.
Killed in action. Release of Sept. 1, 1944. Air Force. Hometown listed as Dorchester, MA.
Killed in a crash of a bomber near Midland, Tex. on 1/25/43. Air Corps. Enlisted 1942. DOB 1920.
Killed in a plane crash at the Nav. Aux. Sta. 5th Nav. Dist, June 19, 1944. Aviation.
Died in service while a prisoner of the Japanese. Release of July 1st 1943. Dental Corps.
Massachusetts Archives
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Boston, MA 02125