Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Deaths 1916 Volume 028: Fitchburg-Foxborough

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Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 444. Age: 47. Father: Nochin Friedland. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Thomas Acoff. Place of Death: Foxborough, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 283. Age: 0. Father: Edwin Adler. Mother: Mary Jena. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 215. Age: 49. Father: Edwin H Alger. Mother: Esther Moore. Female. Spouse: Clinton D. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 25. Age: 34. Father: Edouard Allain. Mother: Henriette Leblanc. Female. Spouse: Louis G. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 18. Age: 0. Father: Mede Allen. Mother: Grace Leware. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 333. Age: 0. Father: Gennario Altieri. Mother: Jennie Cammoso. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 499. Age: 82. Father: Thomas Anderson. Mother: Annette Beck. Female. Spouse: Charles Shultz. Place of Death: Foxborough, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 271. Age: 1. Father: Claus Anderson. Mother: Agnes E Eklund. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 413. Age: 0. Father: Antonio Ansoloni. Mother: Congetta Ferrana. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 350. Age: 40. Father: Bartolomeo Antino. Mother: Margerita Germano. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 247. Age: 14. Father: Phillipe Arsenault. Mother: Celina Dorion. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 442. Age: 19. Father: John G Ashley. Mother: Ada C Glidden. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Foxborough, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 323. Age: 64. Father: James Atherly. Mother: Sarah Kirk. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 112. Age: 52. Father: Thomas Averill. Mother: Mary A Williams. Female. Spouse: George M. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 63. Age: 33. Father: Charles Babineau. Mother: Archange Lisette. Female. Spouse: Leonard. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 447. Age: 86. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Foxborough, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 417. Age: 5. Father: Michael Baglio. Mother: Sebastiana Battista. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 239. Age: 0. Father: Anningo Baldarelli. Mother: Teresa Merelli. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 475. Age: 78. Father: Seth Baldwin. Mother: Mary E Swan. Female. Spouse: John D Nesbitt. Place of Death: Foxboro, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 20. Age: 0. Father: Guiseppe Barbaro. Mother: Antonia Sorrenti. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 29. Age: 83. Father: Jeremiah Barnard. Mother: Billah Merriam. Female. Spouse: Isaac P. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 257. Age: 64. Father: Davidson Barr. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 494. Age: 33. Father: Michael Bartelotte. Mother: Phillippa Labella. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Foxborough, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 211. Age: 37. Father: Sanford H Bascom. Mother: Luella A Haven. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 356. Age: 90. Father: Preston Bassett. Mother: Rachel Frye. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 143. Age: 0. Father: Maltic Batistella. Mother: Balarien Smalia. Not Indicated. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 448. Age: 31. Father: John. Mother: Emma Pritchard. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Foxborough, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 230. Age: 73. Father: Olivier Beausoleil. Mother: Marguerite Ashlin. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 122. Age: 9. Father: Wilbrod Bedard. Mother: Zoe Bedard. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 431. Age: 1. Father: Joseph Bedini. Mother: Albima Barigelli. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Florida, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 113. Age: 54. Father: Felix Belanger. Mother: Odele Picard. Female. Spouse: Cyprien. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 240. Age: 80. Father: Benjamin Bell. Mother: Catherine Berrymore. Female. Spouse: John. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 166. Age: 45. Father: Basile Belliveau. Mother: Philomene Cormier. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 378. Age: 76. Father: Bengt Bengtson. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Nels. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 169. Age: 71. Father: Thomas Bennett. Mother: Martha Herbrowns. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Westborough, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 266. Age: 16. Father: Walter Bennett. Mother: Anna Woodward. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 6. Age: 59. Father: Francis Benoit. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 184. Age: 2. Father: Eustache Bergerin. Mother: Delima Blanchard. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 12. Age: 32. Father: Benjamin Berube. Mother: Victoria Berube. Female. Spouse: Edmond. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 249. Age: 58. Father: Willis Billingham. Mother: Martha V. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 242. Age: 33. Father: Henry E Billings. Mother: Evaline A Shattuck. Female. Spouse: Floyd P. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 254. Age: 65. Father: Elisha Bingham. Mother: Rosella Daniels. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 478. Age: 72. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Foxborough, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 101. Age: 81. Father: Samuel Blake. Mother: Sarah Farnum. Female. Spouse: Joseph L. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 136. Age: 0. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Katherine Bonin. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 449. Age: 70. Father: Charles Bonney. Mother: Susan Whitney. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Foxborough, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 27. Age: 75. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Carl J. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 464. Age: 72. Father: Gilford Bosworth. Mother: Nancy Rockwood. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Foxborough, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 330. Age: 2. Father: Albert J Boucher. Mother: Mary Krivanac. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 304. Age: 1. Father: Gaudias Boucher. Mother: Pemela Bouchard. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 28. Page 149. Age: 0. Father: Souverin Boudreau. Mother: Genevieve Cormier. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth