Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Lieutenant Governor (Record Group LG1)


The lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, in the event of absence, disability, or death of the governor, performs all duties incumbent upon the chief executive, and has all of the constitutional powers vested in that office. Additionally, the lieutenant governor is a voting member of the Council and is delegated other responsibilities at the governor's discretion (Const Pt 2, C 2, S 2). Series is created to assist in the lieutenant governor's liaison activities involving various parts of the executive branch and other agencies as designated by the governor. Files include incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence, reports, memorandums, position papers, briefing materials, and videotapes. Topics include acid rain, education, criminal justice, economic profiles of Massachusetts municipalities, federal-state relations, health care, organization of the executive branch, and social security. Series currently includes files from terms of Thomas O'Neill (1975-1983), John Kerry (1983-1985), and Timothy Murray (2007-2013); Kerry files include his work with the Anti-Crime Council and Coalition of Northeast Governors. Murray records are accessible digitally.

1975-1984, 2007-2012

The lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, in the event of absence, disability, or death of the governor, performs all duties incumbent upon the chief executive, and has all of the constitutional powers vested in that office. Additionally, the lieutenant governor is a voting member of the Council and is delegated other responsibilities at the governor's discretion (Const Pt 2, C 2, S 2). Series is created to inform the lieutenant governor and allow response to constituent needs and issues. Files may include reference materials, clippings, meeting notes, agendas, reports, conference materials, and correspondence relaring to issues, departments, events, programs, and municipalities. Series currently includes files from term of Kerry Healey (2003-2007) and term of Timothy Murray (2007-2013). The Timothy Murray records include digital records.


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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth

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