Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Stories: 2B Street: To be used for: Public School- H & V Class: School Wood Owner: Town of Brookfield Architect name: Wier Stove Co. Architect address: Inspector: Dyson


Stories: Street: To be used for: Store Class: Owner: Architect name: D A H Architect address: Inspector:


Stories: Street: Central To be used for: School Class: 2C Owner: Town of Brookfield Architect name: A.B. Sziklas Architect address: Inspector: J. Barry


Stories: 2B Street: Main Street To be used for: Heating & Ventilating Class: School Owner: Town of Brookfield Architect name: Central Supply Co. Architect address: Worcester, MA Inspector: Casey


Stories: Street: To be used for: Government Class: Owner: Architect name: R L Whipple Architect address: Inspector:


Stories: 1 Street: To be used for: Weaving Shop Class: Indus Brick Owner: George Daniels Architect name: Wm. Fullam Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: Street: Route 9 To be used for: School Class: 2C Owner: Town of Brookfield Architect name: A.B. Sziklas & Engineer Architect address: 17 Waye Street Lynn Inspector: James E. Barry


Stories: Street: Route 9 and Central Street To be used for: school Class: Owner: Town Architect name: A. B. Sziklas Architect address: Inspector: Kavanaugh


Stories: Street: To be used for: Same Class: Owner: Same Architect name: A. B. Sziklas Architect address: Inspector: R. McCarthy


Stories: Street: Main Street To be used for: School Class: Owner: Town Architect name: Doak Martin Architect address: Inspector: Kavanaugh


Stories: Street: Central and Boston Post Road To be used for: Education Class: Owner: Town of Brookfield Architect name: A.B. Sziklas Architect address: Inspector: J Barry


Stories: 1 Street: Mill Street To be used for: Storage- First Aid Class: Indus Wood Owner: Ideal Coated Paper Company Architect name: H. P. Cummings Const. Co. Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: 3B Street: Mill Street To be used for: Manufact. Purposes Class: Indus Brick Owner: Ideal Coated Paper Company Architect name: Ideal Coated Paper Company Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: Street: Mill Street To be used for: Elevator Plan Class: Owner: Ideal Coated Paper Company Architect name: The Portland Co. Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: 2B Street: Mill Street To be used for: Office & Shop Class: Indus Wood Owner: Ideal Coated Paper Company Architect name: Wm. D. Thompson Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: 3B Street: Mill Street To be used for: Storage & MFG Class: Indus Wood Owner: Ideal Coated Paper Company Architect name: " " " Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: Street: To be used for: Same Class: Owner: Same Architect name: A. H. Nelson Architect address: Inspector: R. McCarthy


Stories: 1 Street: To be used for: Dance Hall Class: Owner: Telephone Le Blanc Architect name: O. F. La Toier Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: 2B Street: To be used for: Storage, Mac., Cutting Class: Factory Owner: McLaurin-Jones Company Architect name: Samuel H. Pitcher Co. Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: 1 Street: Main Street To be used for: Moving Picture Hall Class: Misc Hall Wood Owner: Mulcahey Architect name: Cutting, Carleton & Cutting Architect address: Inspector: Isele


Stories: 3B Street: Pleasant Street To be used for: Hotel Purposes Class: Hotel Wood Owner: T. F. Murphy Architect name: John G. Skipper Architect address: Inspector: Dyson


Stories: Street: To be used for: School Class: Owner: Architect name: Joseph P Staniunas Architect address: Inspector:


Stories: Street: Maple Street To be used for: Police station Class: Owner: Architect name: Henry S Hopper Architect address: Inspector:


Stories: 4B Street: East Street To be used for: Weaving-Spinning Class: Indus Brick Owner: Daniels Manfucaturing Company Architect name: W. M. Fullam Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: Street: To be used for: Class: Owner: Architect name: Architect address: Inspector:


Stories: Street: Blaine Avenue To be used for: Class: Owner: Architect name: Donald R. Boyce Architect address: 1798 Main Street Holden Inspector: James E. Barry


Stories: Street: To be used for: Police station Class: Owner: Architect name: Bradley & Glass Architect address: Inspector:


Stories: 2 Street: Near Railroad Station To be used for: Storage & MFG Class: Mill Owner: McLaurin-Jones Company Architect name: Morton C. Tuttle Co. Architect address: Inspector: Casey


Stories: 2B Street: To be used for: Town Hall Purposes Class: Spec Hall Brick Owner: Town of Brookfield Architect name: G. H. Clemence Architect address: Inspector: Dyson


Stories: Street: To be used for: Aud. & Social Purposes Class: Stone Owner: Architect name: George H. Clemence Architect address: Inspector: Adams


Stories: Street: To be used for: Nursing home Class: Owner: Architect name: Architect address: Inspector:

Stories: Street: Brookfield Road To be used for: Class: Owner: Architect name: Alfred Orsi Co. Architect address: Cherry Valley Leicester, MA Inspector: James Barry


Stories: 2B Street: Main Street To be used for: Lobby, Lunch Room, Hall, Stores Class: Owner: George C. Woodard Architect name: George C. Halcott Architect address: Inspector: Casey


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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth

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