William Francis Galvin
Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Index of Massachusetts Casualties in World War II (Record Group PS1 / Series 447X)
Died Sept. 18, 1942 from injuries after being rescued from a Pacific Isle. Air Corps. Bomb Squad. Bombardier.
Died when the St. Augustine was sunk. Jan. 8, 1944. Served on the USS St. Augustine. Hometown listed as Roslindale, MA.
Killed in action in Germany November 16, 1944. Release of December 26, 1944. DOB 1924.
Killed in a plane crash in Texas. During a training flight. June 23, 1944. Air Force. Hometown listed as Roslindale, MA.
Died when the USS Vincennes was sunk in a battle near the Solomon Islands. USS Vincennes.
Died from injuries received while in training at Pueblo, airfield, Colorado. May 25, 1944.
Died in service in the European area. Release of April 9, 1945. Hometown listed as South Boston, MA.
Killed in action over Germany. Release of Oct. 29, 1944. 8th Army. Air Force. Active duty began June 1942.
Killed in action in the Pacific area. Release of Dec. 13, 1944. LST. Hometown listed as Dorchester, MA.
Killed in action in France. Release of Sept. 12, 1944. Infantry. Active duty began 1943.
Missing in action in Italy--1943. Killed in action in Italy. Release of July 18, 1944. Brother of Arthur B. Dallaire and Wilbert J. Dallaire.
Missing in action in No. Africa--1943. Killed in action. Release of July 18, 1944. Brother of Albert F. Dallaire and Wilbert J. Dallaire.
Missing in submarine action since 1943. Now presumed dead. Release of July 18, 1944. Brother of Albert F. Dallaire and Arthur B. Dallaire.
Killed in action in the European area. Release of March 26, 1945. Hometown listed as Roxbury, MA.
Died of wounds received in Luxembourg. Release of Mar. 3, 1945. Infantry. 3rd Army. Hometown listed as Roxbury, MA.
Killed in action in the South Pacific. Release of Nov. 19, 1944. Aircraft carrier.
Died at the ASF Reg. Hospital Fort Ord California. July 20, 1945. Active duty began Nov. 16, 1943. Hometown listed as Charlestown, MA.
Killed in a landing barge accident at Green Point, Louisiana. Release of July 16, 1944.
Killed in action in France. Release of Aug. 3, 1944. Hometown listed as South Boston, MA.
Killed in action in the Mediterranean area. Release of Jan. 18, 1944. Hometown listed as Chicopee Falls, MA.
Killed in action in the Mediterranean area. Release of Feb. 4, 1945. Hometown listed as Dorchester, MA. Condolence letter and envelope addressed to brother enclosed with card.
Killed in action at Corsica. Release of Feb. 21, 1945. Night Fighter Squadron. Radar observer. Active duty began May 1942.
Killed in action in the European area. Release of Mar. 1, 1945. Hometown listed as Wollaston, MA. Memo and additional card enclosed.
Massachusetts Archives
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