Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Deaths 1917 Volume 001: Abington-Amesbury

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Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 506. Age: 1. Father: Michel Alenty. Mother: Violer Nebishi. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Amesbury, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 297. Age: 37. Father: Joseph Allard. Mother: Ida Rousseau. Female. Spouse: Louis Smith. Place of Death: Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 3. Age: 54. Father: Allen. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: William A Schlief. Place of Death: Abington, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 514. Age: 79. Father: Edward Allen. Mother: Sarah Brown. Female. Spouse: J Frank Tilton. Place of Death: Amesbury, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 233. Age: 21. Father: John. Mother: Frances Gleason. Female. Spouse: Harold. Place of Death: North Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 63. Age: 41. Father: Edward Arnold. Mother: Ellife J Taylor. Female. Spouse: Albertus Rowell. Place of Death: Brockton, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 2. Age: 3. Father: George M Arnold. Mother: Catherine Arceneau. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Boston, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 452. Age: 0. Father: Fred A Arseneault. Mother: Ida B Ouellet. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Amesbury, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 348. Age: 27. Father: Joseph Ashworth. Mother: Lyda Cole. Female. Spouse: Harry Friars. Place of Death: Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 257. Age: 59. Father: Peter Aussant. Mother: Philomene Paul. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Northampton, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 196. Age: 40. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Pittsfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 537. Age: 79. Father: Samuel Goodwin Bailey. Mother: Eliza Thomas. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Amesbury, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 374. Age: 88. Father: Norman Ball. Mother: Betsey Warriner. Female. Spouse: Joseph Creighton Hastings. Place of Death: Agawam, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 37. Age: 65. Father: James Ballard. Mother: Mary O'Brien. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Abington, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 225. Age: 28. Father: Michael Barnas. Mother: Zofua Szczepan. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Pittsfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 4. Age: 80. Father: Robert Barstow. Mother: Betsey Whitcomb. Female. Spouse: Elisha S Wyman. Place of Death: Abington, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 136. Age: 75. Father: William Beach. Mother: Georgianna Monroe. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: West Acton, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 258. Age: 74. Father: Francis Bechard. Mother: Celice Daboe. Female. Spouse: Camille Hebert. Place of Death: Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 173. Age: 79. Father: Joseph Belanger. Mother: Houle. Female. Spouse: Joseph L Fournier. Place of Death: Acushnet, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 62. Age: 73. Father: Caleb Belcher. Mother: Julia Hollis. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Abington, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 290. Age: 67. Father: Joseph Belliveau. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Louis Beteau. Place of Death: Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 419. Age: 72. Father: Anthony Bencevenni. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Agawam, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 123. Age: 69. Father: Tilton Bennett. Mother: Abiah Bean. Female. Spouse: Alcander P Bean. Place of Death: West Acton, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 319. Age: 66. Father: Luther Bennett. Mother: Eliza Beach. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Cheshire, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 202. Age: 30. Father: John Benz. Mother: Katherina Laub. Female. Spouse: Adam Grosz. Place of Death: Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 530. Age: 40. Father: Pierre Bergeron. Mother: Valerie Croddre. Female. Spouse: Arthur Vigeant. Place of Death: Amesbury, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 72. Age: 70. Father: Joseph H Billings. Mother: Sarah Keith. Female. Spouse: Augustus H Wright. Place of Death: Abington, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 26. Age: 62. Father: James D Billings. Mother: Margaret Ward. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Abington, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 115. Age: 62. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Calvin W Bisbee. Place of Death: West Acton, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 22. Age: 66. Father: Rufus Dorr. Mother: Eliza Perkins. Female. Spouse: Charles H Blanchard. Place of Death: Abington, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 381. Age: 8. Father: Willis E Blodgett. Mother: Fannie Stratton. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Agawam, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 87. Age: 40. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Boston, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 81. Age: 59. Father: Joseph Bonner. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Joseph Harper. Place of Death: Abington, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 534. Age: 26. Father: Martin F Boyle. Mother: Ellen Murphey. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Amesbury, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 126. Age: 82. Father: Thomas Bradford. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Acton, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 292. Age: 0. Father: Emilien Brean. Mother: Marie Rose Cormier. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 326. Age: 45. Father: Bregisz. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Frank. Place of Death: North Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 496. Age: 0. Father: Alfred Brideau. Mother: Josephine Brideau. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Amesbury, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 407. Age: 34. Father: Alvah L Bridges. Mother: Edith C Pratt. Female. Spouse: Wayne E Hughes. Place of Death: Agawam, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 85. Age: 95. Father: Jabez Brigham. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: James Allen. Place of Death: Abington, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 255. Age: 45. Father: Henry Brindle. Mother: Alice Wilson. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 234. Age: 65. Father: Napoleon Brousso. Mother: Lucy Poeowst. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 36. Age: 55. Father: Henry W Brown. Mother: Louisa J Wentworth. Female. Spouse: George W Drew. Place of Death: Abington, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 125. Age: 76. Father: Alfred Brown. Mother: Jemima Nichols. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: West Acton, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 164. Age: 0. Father: Victor Brunelle. Mother: Alida Lamarre. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Acushnet, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 165. Age: 1. Father: Louis Brunelle. Mother: Evelina Cloutier. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Acushnet, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 312. Age: 0. Father: Jozef Brzostek. Mother: Ewa Szablak. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Adams, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 399. Age: 13. Father: William M Buckley. Mother: Flora Deforge. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Agawam, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 545. Age: 20. Father: William Buderick. Mother: Nora T Waters. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Boxford, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 176. Age: 87. Father: Barzillia Buffinton. Mother: Ruth Pierce. Female. Spouse: Stephen A Weaver. Place of Death: Acushnet, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 1. Page 226. Age: 71. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Adams, Massachusetts.


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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth