Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Deaths 1917 Volume 078: Somerville

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Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 112. Age: 56. Father: Henry Adams. Mother: Sarah Clark. Female. Spouse: Frederick DeVine. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 466. Age: 29. Father: William A Langille. Mother: Lydia Rodenzer. Female. Spouse: Charles A Adams. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 480. Age: 0. Father: Warren H Adams. Mother: Lucinda Huybes. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 169. Age: 33. Father: Pasquale Albanese. Mother: Concetta Ientile. Female. Spouse: Lorenzo Lauro. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 454. Age: 72. Father: John Albee. Mother: Julia T Cummings. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 424. Age: 0. Father: Hyman Alexenberg. Mother: Etel Hoffman. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 446. Age: 0. Father: Hyman Alexenberg. Mother: Etel Hoffman. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 83. Age: 80. Father: Paul Alleri. Mother: Ellen Barlo. Female. Spouse: Noel Vachon. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 261. Age: 86. Father: George Allison. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Richard Waters. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 500. Age: 64. Father: Fordyce Ames. Mother: Electa Ray. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 203. Age: 0. Father: John Ardito. Mother: Margaret Malatesta. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 246. Age: 49. Father: Patrick Ashe. Mother: Albie Ashe. Female. Spouse: Thomas Kennedy. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 53. Age: 79. Father: James Atwood. Mother: Delilah Pinkham. Female. Spouse: Newton Gray. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 49. Age: 53. Father: John Audley. Mother: Ellen Clarity. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 31. Age: 57. Father: Edwin Balfour. Mother: Jane F Kenny. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 382. Age: 70. Father: Michael Baratta. Mother: Heleanor Lupatti. Female. Spouse: Alexander Garbati. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 439. Age: 80. Father: James Barber. Mother: Mary Jones. Female. Spouse: Joseph Haseltine. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 372. Age: 51. Father: Michael Barry. Mother: Mary Cotter. Female. Spouse: John O'Neill. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 108. Age: 76. Father: Richard Bassett. Mother: Elizabeth S Baker. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 131. Age: 83. Father: Ezra Baxter. Mother: Sarah J Roberts. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 200. Age: 80. Father: Beck. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Matthew Kolb. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 146. Age: 66. Father: Luther V Bell. Mother: Frances Pinkerton. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 164. Age: 64. Father: Robert Bellew. Mother: Elizabeth Lynch. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 335. Age: 58. Father: John S Belyea. Mother: Margaret Gilchrist. Female. Spouse: Charles W Dickson. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 28. Age: 35. Father: Edward W Bennett. Mother: Sarah Quigley. Female. Spouse: Harold W Lauder. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 425. Age: 79. Father: Samuel H Berry. Mother: Elizabeth Searles. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 346. Age: 23. Father: Manuel A Bettencourt. Mother: Lucy Bettencourt. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 156. Age: 0. Father: Theodore Biagi. Mother: Clateldo Corrivia. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 72. Age: 0. Father: Frederick Bierweiler. Mother: Agnes Greslian. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 47. Age: 0. Father: Louis W Bills. Mother: Eleanor Bounar. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 289. Age: 50. Father: Henry H Blake. Mother: Hattie Belcher. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 222. Age: 86. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 482. Age: 0. Father: Jozef Bodin. Mother: Jozefa Nowaczik. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 344. Age: 0. Father: Joseph R Boire. Mother: Agnes M Joyce. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 92. Age: 67. Father: Elijah Boxley. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: John W Bowman. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 271. Age: 6. Father: John M Boyd. Mother: Elsie Kemp. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 276. Age: 10. Father: Daniel F Brady. Mother: Mary T Theimann. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 65. Age: 6. Father: Harold C Brand. Mother: Cleora Turber. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 377. Age: 63. Father: Mathew Brennan. Mother: Ann Byrne. Female. Spouse: Patrick J Scanlon. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 406. Age: 41. Father: Charles L Brett. Mother: Mary McCarthy. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 381. Age: 15. Father: Frederick M Brinnick. Mother: Agnes M Boyle. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 51. Age: 55. Father: Michael Brophy. Mother: Mary Morrissey. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 4. Age: 66. Father: James Brosnan. Mother: Catherine Toomey. Female. Spouse: John Haley. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 175. Age: 29. Father: Charles A Brown. Mother: Margaret Tynan. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 150. Age: 4. Father: Walter F Brown. Mother: Maud Helen Bowen. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 147. Age: 75. Father: Emanuel Brunelle. Mother: Nancy S Quimby. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 495. Age: 0. Father: Gustaf Brunskag. Mother: Signe Kjellstrom. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 17. Age: 4. Father: Charles A Burns. Mother: Mary S Corkery. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 173. Age: 34. Father: Charles G Burt. Mother: Mary Walsh. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 128. Age: 21. Father: Patrick Butler. Mother: Abbie Buckley. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 78. Page 448. Age: 3. Father: David Button. Mother: Mary Campbell. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Somerville, Massachusetts.


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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth