Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Metropolitan Park Commission founder/commissioner portrait photographs, ca. 1892-ca. 1907

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Name on item: Elmer Chickering, 21 West St., Boston. Abraham L. Richards served as a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1893-1898.

[ca. 1893]

Name on item: By E Chickering, Boston. Augustus Hemenway served as a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1895-1898. Chickering no. 224127.

[ca. 1895]

Name on item: Elmer Chickering, 21 West St., Boston. Charles Eliot served as consulting Landscape Architect for the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission Preliminary Board, 1892-1893. Chickering no. 182693. Same image published as a photogravure in Charles W. Eliot, Charles Eliot: Landscape Architect (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1902), frontispiece.

[ca. 1892]

Name on item: Elmer Chickering, 21 West St., Boston. Charles Francis Adams was Chairman of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission Preliminary Board, 1892-1893; and Chairman of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1893-1895. Same image published in Frederic Bancroft and William A. Dunning, The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Volume Three, 1863-1869, with a sketch of his life and public services from 1869 to 1906 (New York: The McClure Co., 1908), facing p. 344.

[ca. 1892]

Name on item: E. Chickering & Co., Boston. Edwin B. Haskell served as a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1895-1907. Chickering no. 217009.

[ca. 1895]

Everett C. Benton served as a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1907-1919.

[ca. 1907]

Name on item: E. Chickering & Co., Boston. Forrest C. Manchester served as a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1898-1899. Chickering no. 224461.

[ca. 1898]

James Jeffrey Roche served as a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1893-1893.

[ca. 1893]

Name on item: Elmer Chickering, 21 West St., Boston. Philip A. Chase was a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission Preliminary Board, 1892-1893. Chickering no. 173894.

[ca. 1892]

Name on item: Elmer Chickering, 21 West St., Boston. Sylvester Baxter served as Secretary of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission Preliminary Board, 1892-1893. Chickering no. 224727.

[ca. 1892]

Thomas L. Livermore served as a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1897-1899. Chickering no. 239961.

[ca. 1897]

Name on item: Marceau, 160 Tremont St., Boston. Thomas L. Livermore served as a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1897-1899. Artist proof.

[ca. 1897]

Name on item: Elmer Chickering, 21 West St., Boston. William B. de las Casas was a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission Preliminary Board, 1892-1893; a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1893-1919, and its Chairman, 1895-1919. Chickering no. 167585.

[ca. 1892]

Name on item: Elmer Chickering, 21 West St., Boston. William B. de las Casas was a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission Preliminary Board, 1892-1893; a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1893-1919, and its Chairman, 1895-1919. Different pose, but likely same sitting as Chickering no. 167585.

[ca. 1892]

Name on item: By E Chickering, Boston. William L. Chase served as a member of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission, 1894-1895. Chickering no. 239696. Same image published in Harvard College, Class of 1876, Report of the Secretary, Number 6, October 1894 – May 1896 (Boston: Rockwell and Churchill, 1896), frontispiece; and, In Memoriam: William Leverett Chase (1896), frontispiece.

[ca. 1894]

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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth