Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Deaths 1916 Volume 016: Chicopee

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Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 50. Age: 0. Father: Leon W Adams. Mother: Clara Griffing. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 222. Age: 0. Father: Casimir Adamski. Mother: Maryann Piekou. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 280. Age: 45. Father: Calixte Ains. Mother: Margaret Russell. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 73. Age: 38. Father: William Allen. Mother: Agnes Brunzo. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 87. Age: 81. Father: William Anderson. Mother: Isabella Simington. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 354. Age: 0. Father: Thomas Andrews. Mother: Isabella Coulter. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 210. Age: 66. Father: John Andrews. Mother: Flora Pollock. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 20. Age: 0. Father: Julien Anthone. Mother: Pauline Mandeville. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 97. Age: 3. Father: Alfred Archambault. Mother: Adele Wall. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 196. Age: 58. Father: Leon Arel. Mother: Leonore Bovin. Female. Spouse: Frank W Hathaway. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 481. Age: 63. Father: Joseph Armstrong. Mother: Maria Rigby. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 116. Age: 37. Father: Thomas Ashe. Mother: Ellen Begley. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 445. Age: 1. Father: Arthur Asselin. Mother: Corinne Moreau. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 231. Age: 0. Father: Ubold Auger. Mother: Louise Jarvis. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 79. Age: 0. Father: Jules Babineau. Mother: Rose Houle. Not Indicated. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 168. Age: 0. Father: Napoleon Babineau. Mother: Blanche Richette. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 4. Age: 72. Father: Alexander H Ballard. Mother: Sarah Bartlett. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 250. Age: 40. Father: Joseph Banasz. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Jan Musial. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 211. Age: 63. Father: Robert Bannister. Mother: Catherine Brocklehurst. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 11. Age: 0. Father: John J Barry. Mother: Anna A Cronin. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 42. Age: 70. Father: Barton. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Holyoke, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 448. Age: 55. Father: Calvin Baylis. Mother: Mary Cone. Female. Spouse: James A Haggerty. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 437. Age: 17. Father: Milton E Bean. Mother: Louisa Patterson. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 404. Age: 0. Father: Louis Beaulieu. Mother: Oliva Ribardy. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 136. Age: 59. Father: John Beaulieu. Mother: Celina Foutaine. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 389. Age: 0. Father: Gilbert Beaupre. Mother: Marie Louise Desmarais. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Willimansett, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 57. Age: 55. Father: Joseph Beaupre. Mother: Marie Labonte. Female. Spouse: Joseph Paquette. Place of Death: Aldenville, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 162. Age: 0. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Flora Belanski. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 386. Age: 78. Father: John W Belcher. Mother: Sally Snow. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 494. Age: 41. Father: Paul Bergeron. Mother: Sarah Roy. Female. Spouse: Amedee Debien. Place of Death: Holyoke, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 317. Age: 0. Father: Joseph C Bernard. Mother: Helen Casey. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 16. Age: 36. Father: Joseph Bertalovitz. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: John Sullivan. Place of Death: Holyoke, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 490. Age: 0. Father: Emile Berthaume. Mother: Victoria Danie. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 310. Age: 0. Father: Rudolph Berthiaume. Mother: Mary Hogan. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 262. Age: 11. Father: Thomas Best. Mother: Minnie Warnock. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 263. Age: 8. Father: Thomas Best. Mother: Minnie Warnock. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 154. Age: 0. Father: James Betterley. Mother: Eva Joy. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 178. Age: 0. Father: Kazimierz Bigda. Mother: Catherine Karcz. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 343. Age: 85. Father: Lyman Billings. Mother: Roanna Hills. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 69. Age: 41. Father: Joseph Bilodeau. Mother: Marguerite L'Ecuyer. Female. Spouse: Amedee Cantin. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 150. Age: 1. Father: Adelard Bilodeau. Mother: Emma Leblanc. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 338. Age: 2. Father: Cyrille Blanchard. Mother: Georgiana Demers. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 426. Age: 0. Father: Nerey Blanchard. Mother: Annie Melanson. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 26. Age: 35. Father: Joseph Bochnia. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Joseph Jagowski. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 45. Age: 0. Father: Michael Bogacz. Mother: Katie Starzyk. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 415. Age: 0. Father: Marek Bogdan. Mother: Karolina Gowacka. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 234. Age: 1. Father: Joseph Bojarski. Mother: Julia Swiatowska. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 83. Age: 83. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: David Fitzgerald. Place of Death: Holyoke, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 500. Age: 52. Father: Marcin Bonczow. Mother: Zofija Slonina. Female. Spouse: Walenty Grzybala. Place of Death: Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 399. Age: 0. Father: Frank Borzyk. Mother: Tekla Zultek. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Chicopee, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1916 Volume 16. Page 287. Age: 0. Father: Edward Boucher. Mother: Eva Couture. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Willimansett, Massachusetts.


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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth