Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Deaths 1917 Volume 082: Springfield

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Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 456. Age: 71. Father: William Adams. Mother: Sally Selina Stevens. Female. Spouse: Sam Rust. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 413. Age: 64. Father: David Aiken. Mother: Mary Elizabeth Adams. Female. Spouse: Albert M Gleason. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 149. Age: 0. Father: Louis E Akerman. Mother: Annie Connell. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 489. Age: 0. Father: Frank Albano. Mother: Vina Brighenti. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Hartford, Connecticut.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 285. Age: 37. Father: Edward A Aldrich. Mother: Laura Peck. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Northampton, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 108. Age: 74. Father: Arad Alexander. Mother: Adelphia Davis. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 448. Age: 53. Father: Andrews. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 338. Age: 78. Father: William Annis. Mother: Roxanna Hall. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 47. Age: 0. Father: Sabato Ardolino. Mother: Philomena Albano. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 440. Age: 28. Father: James Armstrong. Mother: Catherine Cawley. Female. Spouse: John O'Hagan. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 90. Age: 60. Father: Lewis Arthur. Mother: Boadicea Bishop. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 155. Age: 67. Father: Hiram Ashley. Mother: Mary Adams. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 347. Age: 51. Father: Isaac Atkins. Mother: Jane Carter. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 368. Age: 0. Father: Louis August. Mother: Beatrice St Pierre. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 419. Age: 11. Father: Cesare Augusti. Mother: Antoinette Lazzarini. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 427. Age: 72. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: William J. Place of Death: Northampton, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 476. Age: 62. Father: Samuel Bannister. Mother: Sophia Hild. Female. Spouse: Monroe E Carew. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 327. Age: 78. Father: John Barber. Mother: Ann Bowen. Female. Spouse: George S Eggleston. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 91. Age: 81. Father: William Barnes. Mother: Hannah French. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 18. Age: 8. Father: Philias Beaudoin. Mother: Olympe Poirier. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 361. Age: 50. Father: Leon Beaune. Mother: Elizabeth Rivers. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 210. Age: 0. Father: Joseph Beaupre. Mother: Lora Oclair. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Indian Orchard Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 19. Age: 55. Father: Judah M Bellows. Mother: Susan Sears. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 200. Age: 53. Father: Louis Bellville. Mother: Christina Welcome. Female. Spouse: Basil Riendeau. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 38. Age: 38. Father: Laurence Benette. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Toney Orzech. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 20. Age: 0. Father: Arthur J Benoit. Mother: Bessie Callahan. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 120. Age: 0. Father: John P Berge. Mother: Margaret Barnes. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 423. Age: 8. Father: Peter Bilodeau. Mother: Oliva Labonte. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 301. Age: 37. Father: Anton F Bilz. Mother: Minnie August Fouzenhaun. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 388. Age: 67. Father: Christopher Biogiotti. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 286. Age: 1. Father: Arthur G Birch. Mother: Margaret McKiver. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 396. Age: 29. Father: Phillip Bloom. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 444. Age: 0. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Frances Bojek. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 21. Age: 17. Father: Louis Bolduc. Mother: Halmema Boisy. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 298. Age: 0. Father: William H Bolliger. Mother: Alice Hicks. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 339. Age: 6. Father: Antonio Bongiorno. Mother: Annie Hill. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 70. Age: 73. Father: David Ives Boyington. Mother: Emily Hayes. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 496. Age: 43. Father: Benjamin F Bridges. Mother: Ruth A Ayers. Female. Spouse: Fred W Doane. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 177. Age: 76. Father: Michael Broderick. Mother: Mary. Female. Spouse: Thomas Crane. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 437. Age: 53. Father: Thomas Brown. Mother: Elizabeth C Shipman. Female. Spouse: George Lee. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 362. Age: 97. Father: George Brown. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 331. Age: 63. Father: Arad Brown. Mother: Saphronia Ponel. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 397. Age: 42. Father: Peter Bryla. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Andrew Chwatek. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 269. Age: 22. Father: Dennis Buckley. Mother: Hannah McMahon. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 69. Age: 26. Father: Buckner. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Herbert L Myers. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 205. Age: 22. Father: William Burke. Mother: Margaret Long. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 150. Age: 0. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Catherine Burke. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Holyoke, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 46. Age: 88. Father: Marcus Burwell. Mother: Harriet Squires. Female. Spouse: Dennis Porter. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 114. Age: 42. Father: Ira Byron. Mother: Aurilla Reiney. Female. Spouse: John P Callahan. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 176. Age: 51. Father: Martin Cahill. Mother: Bridget Connell. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 82. Page 217. Age: 99. Father: Luke Calkins. Mother: Polly Hancock. Female. Spouse: Ambrose Colton. Place of Death: Springfield, Massachusetts.


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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth