Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin

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Deaths 1917 Volume 098: Worcester

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Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 479. Age: 0. Father: John K Adams. Mother: Kostandina G Kreshpani. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 47. Age: 76. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Ellen Ahern. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 317. Age: 31. Father: Pietro Aiello. Mother: Domenica Ferraro. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 402. Age: 58. Father: Jason W Ainsworth. Mother: Hannah E Hayes. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 343. Age: 34. Father: Ludvikas Alexveravicz. Mother: Katarina Beleckis. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 496. Age: 66. Father: Hypolite Amelotte. Mother: Cornelia Maillett. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 203. Age: 63. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 428. Age: 76. Father: Andrew Anderson. Mother: Eva Johnson. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 354. Age: 5. Father: Egnas Andriauckas. Mother: Vinculka Silalute. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 401. Age: 87. Father: Baxter Ayres. Mother: Mary Little. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 360. Age: 66. Father: Marshall S Ballord. Mother: Elvira Hubbard. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 498. Age: 0. Father: Joseph Baravikas. Mother: Naste Dersia. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 192. Age: 96. Father: Ephriam Barker. Mother: Lucy Waterman. Female. Spouse: William S Bosworth. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 494. Age: 29. Father: Michael Barrett. Mother: Margaret Callahan. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Newton, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 153. Age: 75. Father: Xavier Barrette. Mother: Adeline Chenevert. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 162. Age: 48. Father: Frederick L Bartlett. Mother: Ellen Hastings. Female. Spouse: Willis H Donley. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 325. Age: 0. Father: Henry W Beatty. Mother: Marion C Earley. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 48. Age: 87. Father: Henry Beaugeard. Mother: Jane. Female. Spouse: John Beaugeard. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 486. Age: 79. Father: Barach Beckwith. Mother: Dorothy Lewis. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 223. Age: 36. Father: Extra Belliveau. Mother: Pelida Rondeau. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 407. Age: 0. Father: Edward J Bennett. Mother: Anna Sullivan. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 85. Age: 63. Father: Timothy A Bennett. Mother: Susan Fairbrother. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 72. Age: 15. Father: Prosper Benoit. Mother: Angelina Benoit. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 227. Age: 24. Father: Olof Benson. Mother: Kyrsten Nelson. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 274. Age: 0. Father: Alexander J Benware. Mother: Bernice E Smith. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 427. Age: 81. Father: John J Bergquist. Mother: Christina Hogberg. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 108. Age: 0. Father: George H Berthiaume. Mother: Mary Lambert. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 180. Age: 40. Father: Michael Bielewicz. Mother: Konstantina Cirokowna. Female. Spouse: Kazimierz Trombowicz. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 103. Age: 73. Father: John Birch. Mother: Mary. Female. Spouse: A Henry Bruce. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 425. Age: 77. Father: Bird. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: Hercule F Normand. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 26. Age: 1. Father: Joseph Blondin. Mother: Clemantine Veronneau. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 6. Age: 59. Father: Anthony Bohen. Mother: Margaret. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 241. Age: 24. Father: Joseph Boisselle. Mother: Alphonsne St Geau. Female. Spouse: Ludger Belanger. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 309. Age: 73. Father: Amasa Bond. Mother: Maria Powers. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 250. Age: 80. Father: Amasa Bond. Mother: Mary Tilton. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 101. Age: 78. Father: Louis Boulanger. Mother: Mathilde Lasage. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 121. Age: 0. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Luthera Bousquet. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 305. Age: 46. Father: Abraham Bricklin. Mother: Rosie Goldberg. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 235. Age: 49. Father: Per E Brickman. Mother: Christine Mattson. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 405. Age: 0. Father: John F Broberg. Mother: Anna Make. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 171. Age: 29. Father: William A Brown. Mother: Carrie Smith. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 232. Age: 60. Father: Not indicated. Mother: Not indicated. Female. Spouse: James D Brown. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 135. Age: 90. Father: William Brown. Mother: Mary Bacon. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 136. Age: 0. Father: Robert H Buck. Mother: Mary A Wheelock. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 420. Age: 32. Father: William Buckwold. Mother: Catherine Ehinger. Female. Spouse: Peter J Bachand. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 382. Age: 65. Father: Buggy. Mother: Bridget Comerford. Female. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 78. Age: 49. Father: Albina H Burgess. Mother: Emily Nickerson. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 160. Age: 32. Father: Michael Burke. Mother: Mary O'Sullivan. Female. Spouse: Henry G Dolan. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 195. Age: 41. Father: William Burke. Mother: Hannah Kearns. Female. Spouse: Joseph Martel. Place of Death: Boston, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 391. Age: 65. Father: Thomas N Burton. Mother: Dianasia Airstead. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


Deaths 1917 Volume 98. Page 434. Age: 85. Father: John V Butterfield. Mother: Ann M Herrick. Male. Spouse: Not indicated. Place of Death: Worcester, Massachusetts.


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William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth